The top categories are collections of reference materials you should come back to often as you read the stories below. They will help you correctly name and identify all the characters as well as put them all in their historical and geographic context.
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Family Charts
How am I supposed to keep all these people with the same name straight? With these charts on hand, you’re sure to never get confused.
Not all those who wander are lost. Consult these maps to make sure you always know where you are.
Names and places in foreign languages are rarely pronounced the way you think they should be. Find out the right way to say them here.
Paul ancestors and ancestry in Europe
The first generation
The Pauls Come to America
A collection of stories about the immigrant experience of our first Paul ancestors in America, Julius & Brunis Paul.
Julius & Brunis in Chicago
A collection of stories about the Julius & Brunis Paul family in Chicago, 1895-1902.
On the Farm
A collection of stories about the Julius & Brunis Paul family in Wisconsin, 1902-1942.
The second generation
The third generation and onwards
Other lines
Cousins from the Old Country
Information and stories about some of the Pauls’ more distant relations.