My name is Darel Paul. I started doing genealogy for a sixth grade school project and just never stopped. Over forty years later, I’ve uncovered a lot of facts, learned a lot of stories, and accumulated a lot of material that I hope to share with you on this website.

In my experience one of the most compelling and underappreciated parts of doing family history is digging into local history. The stories I tell here are intimately intertwined with the history of the places in which my ancestors lived. You’ll learn here not only about people but about the times and places that made them.

To pay my genealogy bills, I teach Political Science and Political Economy at Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts. Outside genealogy and work, I’m a husband and father of four. I also sing and lead a small Gregorian schola at the Parish of St. Elizabeth of Hungary in North Adams, Massachusetts as well as at the Parish of Sts. Patrick and Raphael in Williamstown.

Et videas filios filiorum tuorum.

Me on Princes Street, Edinburgh, Scotland (2019). Edinburgh Castle is in the background.